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For January 24, 2021


FDA Admits Your Right to Refuse COVID Vax

California Stop Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine
Pfizer Vaccine Leaves Dozen Israelis With Facial Paralysis
Seattle Fire Will Go Door To Door To Give COVID-19 Vaccines
Germany to hold Covid rule breakers in REFUGEE CAMPS
Microsoft, Mayo Clinic, Oracle to develop digital vaccination passport

Dems Demand Public Locked Out of Capitol Grounds Forever
After Conservative Purge, The Commie Purge Moves to Ham Radio
Hundreds of Publishers Working to Block Trump from Yet Another Platform
Commies purging My Pillow CEO
Commies Want News Outlets That Don't Toe The Liberal Line Blacklisted
Coach fired for complaining about commie teacher & her BLM propaganda
Hal Turner kicked off of Paypal
Amazon and Ring under fire after letting LE keep homeowner videos forever
After You Die, Microsoft Wants to Resurrect You as a Chatbot
Selfie-Snapping Rioters Leave FBI a Trail of Over 140K Images
Cadbury Chocolate goes full pervert
Idiot black who got shot reveals he had a knife in his hand
Oregon Bill for "Emergency" Seizure of Private Property
Maryland chooses black racist as Speaker of the House

U.S. Troops TURNED THEIR BACKS To Biden - No Salutes either!
Another dimwit pick for his cabinet
Dimwit selects transvestite as assistant health secretary
Biden's Cabinet picks: Full list
Executive Orders dimwit has signed in first three days in office

TRUMP - President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments List

copy NOW before it's removed!



Show Title:

Here is the book Karen was writing on Ham radios in PDF

The National Association for Amateur Radio

Ham Radio Cheat Sheet

Live Audio from the myGMRS Network

Survival/Disaster Preparedness,
Emergency Communications, CERT, Ham Radio


Storing Spare Radio Gear
Preparing for Long Term Storage

Amateur Radio Internet Guide

The Ham Radio Outlet

Karen's Website
(will last till may 2021)


Communications for disasters

No matter what you decide on for two-way communications in the event of a SHTF situation, the time has come for you to make up your mind and just get it done. Having a short receiver to listen to the news or radio shows is a good thing to have, but having the equipment to talk with people across the country and around the world will be a great advantage. All modes of operation and types of radios come with advantages and drawbacks and you need to decide what will work best for you if the worst comes your way.

For example, if a hurricane hits your area, it may seem like the world has come to an end. But in reality, hurricanes effect a relatively small area as compared to the size of the planet even though to those effected only know what had happened to them, on the other hand, an economic collapse of a countries monetary system would have a broader devastating effect.

When planning on what types of radios meaning the frequencies that they cover and for what use you are planning to use them for most people will begin losing their minds as the choices they are confronted with can be very imposing and confusing to someone who's only used a CD set or an FRS handheld radio when hunting or camping trips with the family.

Amateur radio, also known as ham radio has been around for as long as a.m., CW (continuous wave) or basically back to the time of Marconi. In the early days the engineers that were building and experimenting with what became today's radios and televisions would experiment night building short wave radios and using Morse code would talk with each other late into the night exchanging new ideas and information that each of them had come up with. It wasn't long before

Amateur – which includes Technician, General & Extra $14.00 for one time test

GMRS – One class and no test $85.00 every 10 years

FRS – Short range, no license required

Citizens Band – Short range, no license required

So, what's the difference between all the different radio services that you can use? Let's start with a common radio service that most people know about which is citizens band. Better known as CB, this is a very low powered radio service that operates in the 11 m band that as radios that can be used for base or mobile service and will give you approximately a 10 mile range from base stations to mobile units. From mobile to mobile you can expect about a 5 mile range depending upon terrain and obstructions such as buildings, mountains that will block the radio signals from and communications.

FRS stands for "family radio service" which operates in the UHF radio band and is a unlicensed radio service primarily using small, hand-held radios with a power output of less than 3 W that'll give you approximate range of 2 miles depending upon obstructions.

GMRS "general mobile radio service" this service is a licensed radio service that operates in the UHF radio band and will allow up to 50 W output and has the advantage of having many repeaters around the country that are put out by license holders that allow anyone to use them. A handheld radio on this service using a repeater would give you approximately a 35 to 50 mile range depending upon obstructions between the operator and the repeater.

Mobile radios can have a range up to 75 miles if operating on repeater, and a base station with appropriate antennas can have up to 125 mile range, again operating on a repeater. Operating in what is known as simplex from a base station within antenna 40 feet in the air to a mobile you can expect anywhere between a 15 and 20 mile range again depending upon obstructions.

Amateur radio, also known as ham radio is a licensed service operating in multiple bands from UHF to the HF, or high-frequency with simplex ranges over 2000 miles depending upon atmospheric conditions. As in the GMRS radio service there are repeaters on the UHF and VHF bands all over the country, additionally simplex operation is available and on VHF alone there are over 880 channels that can be used.

Currently there are three classes of amateur license, none of these require Morse code as part of the test as they once did. Morse code was removed approximately 5 years ago under international treaty, there is a certification Morse code if one wishes to take it, but it is no longer required for any services.

You can download a PDF which contains all the operating frequencies and the license designations for each is frequencies at: http://www.nightwolf.net/pdf/Hambands_color.pdf

The current licenses for amateur radio are:

The Technician License
The Technician class license is the entry-level license of choice for most new ham radio operators. To earn the Technician license requires passing one examination totaling 35 questions on radio theory, regulations and operating practices. The license gives access to all Amateur Radio frequencies above 30 megahertz, allowing these licensees the ability to communicate locally and most often within North America. It also allows for some limited privileges on the HF (also called "short wave") bands used for international communications.

The General License
The General class license grants some operating privileges on all Amateur Radio bands and all operating modes. This license opens the door to world-wide communications. Earning the General class license requires passing a 35 question examination. General class licensees must also have passed the Technician written examination.

The Amateur Extra License
The Amateur Extra class license conveys all available U.S. Amateur Radio operating privileges on all bands and all modes. Earning the license is more difficult; it requires passing a thorough 50 question examination. Extra class licensees must also have passed all previous license class written examinations.

You can get more information on getting your amateur license at: http://www.arrl.org on this website you can search for amateur radio clubs that not only give the test but give classes for the different license classes.

If you're interested in getting into amateur radio this might be something you would want involve the whole family in as during normal times you can use it to keep in touch with family members, find out where the kids are when they take the car out or for other uses such as camping or hiking and in times of disaster you have the ability to communicate with others that you've made friends with that have a common mindset when he comes to being prepared.

By obtaining a General class license you have the ability to talk to people around the country to find out what is going on and to get messages out if necessary.

Amateur radio equipment is easy to find and can be gotten cheap depending on where you look. Amateur radio operators hole what are called Hamfest where they get together to buy and sell new and used radio equipment. Again, you can find more information about hamfest by going to: http://www.arrl.org or you can contact your local ham club where they can give you more information.

There are many companies on the Internet that have been around for many years selling amateur radio equipment, and now many of them carry GMRS as well as FRS radios. So those companies are:

1. Ham Radio Outlet - www.hamradio.com
2. HamCity www.hamcity.com/Store/pc/home.asp
3. Amateur Electronic Supply www.aesham.com

Here are a few links that will help you get your license;

This company offers a 10 hour class www.hamradiolicenseexam.com

Over the past 30 years I have dealt with these companies and found him to be reliable and honest and will most likely order from them again depending upon who has the best price. As with all things it pays to shop around to find the best price for to looking for. And remember, there's always eBay.

Here are on-line practice test. You should take the test before picking up a book or reading and study material to see where your knowledge is and then you have a base line to score your progress. Some are free and others have a small charge for their services.

1. www.hamradiolicenseexam.com
2. http://www.qrz.com/ht/
3. http://www.eham.net/exams/
4. http://aa9pw.com/radio/
5. http://hamexam.org/
6. http://www.w8mhb.com/exam/
7. http://www.arrl.org/exam-practice



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